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    • 08 12 2017


    Rendgenology needs every Medical  Service,  Rendgenology is Human’s functional anatomy and clinical physiology, which is used to study various deaseses. Nowadays Technical progress created such a medical apparatus that the X-ray beam is safe and there is no risk. Our Clinic is Equipped with Rendgenology  special cabinets and u can have screenings and diagnostic of : Bone Articular Sistem, head, face,  forehead , Lung, Abdominal organs, Reproductive Sistem  and other Rendgenology Studies.        In Intermedic we use Modern  model  Intermedical COMPACT X-RAY  Rendgen Apparatus from Italy, which gives opportunity to patients to receive their  results in flexible and suitable form:  in hard copy or CD/DVD Format, or even get it by Email. Please visit "Intermedika" where you will be able to get fast and safe X-ray examination and get a correct answer about your health.

  • Opening Hours

    • Monday - Friday
      09:00 - 17:00
    • Saturday
      09:00 - 14:00
    • Sunday
      Emergency Only